International School
Bilingual School
The success of our students also depends on their ability to communicate in both languages.
Our role and mission at EIB is also to permit students to come into contact with and to respect other cultures.
- The French academic program is enhanced and the academic level of the school is high. The number of hours of instruction in French, mathematics and history are identical to those of French schools.
- The English academic program follows the curriculum proposed by Anglophone educational establishments and is based on the same instructional materials. All English classrooms, from Preschool (starting at age 2) to primary, are equipped with an interactive whiteboard.
In Primary school the following subjects are taught in English: History/Geography, Sciences, Art, and Computer Skills.
- In a bilingual environment, students learn English and French in a natural way, by way of immersion with certified Anglophone and French teachers.
The linguistic immersion program is organised for children as young as two years old. English is therefore practiced on a daily basis and groups of different levels in each class-allow the teaching to be adapted to each student.
From the age of two, students are introduced to Italian in their music classes.

Children who do not speak French or English are accepted.
We offer individualised and academic upgrading courses, helping the integration of Anglophone students and French students who have never studied French or English while respecting the natural pace of each child.
Classe de FLE – Français langue étrangère
Classe de ESI – English second language

EIB is a Cambridge ESOL exam centre and prepares for the following certificates: Starters – Movers – Flyers