Give your children an international future !
The school year is from September to the end of June.
The school is open from Monday to Friday from 7.30 to 6.30pm.
The Baby-club and Miniclub welcome children on Wednesdays and during the school holidays from September to June with the exception of one week at Christmas when the school is closed.
From the 1st to the 09th July you can enrol your child to our summer club for fun activities and outings.
Dress Code
Le tablier est obligatoire en maternelle. L’uniforme est également obligatoire pour toutes les classes de primaire (achat requis auprès de notre fournisseur officiel).
Preschool classes
Monday – Tuesday – Thursday – Friday
TPS : Les poussins (2 ans) – 8h45 – 11h15 / 14h00 – 16h00
TPS : Les lapins (2 ans 1/2) -8h45 – 11h15 / 14h00 – 16h00
PS : Les écureuils (3 ans) – 8h45 – 11h15 / 14h00 – 16h00
Pandas (4 years old) 8.45-12.00 and 1.30-4.20pm
Koalas (5 years old) 8.45-12.00 and 1.30-4.20pm
Primary classes
Monday – Tuesday – Thursday – Friday
- CP/CE1 8.30-12.00 and 13.45-4.40pm
- CE2 – CM1 – CM2 8.30-12.30 and 2.00-4.50pm
Four separate lunch periods are provided.
Snacks are provided by the school in the afternoon.
Our cook provides healthy and varied meals and we endeavour to integrate fresh local products.
Special diets are taken into consideration upon receipt of a doctor’s note.
- CP : 4:50 pm - 5:20 pm
- CE1 : 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm
- CE2-CM1-CM2 : 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- Preschool/Kindergarten: every day from 7.30-8.45 and from 4.30 to 6.30pm.
- Primary School: Every day from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and from 5:20 p.m. (CP) / 5:45 p.m. (after the study, CE1) / 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (CE2-CM1-CM2)
Pour le plaisir des enfants, et non obligatoires, divers clubs proposent à l’école des activités périscolaires (un nombre minimum d’enfants inscrits est requis) :
Club d’échecs, chorale, Chinois, Italien, yoga, zumba, karaté, cours de robotique.
Ces activités ne sont pas comprises dans le tarif.
Respecting the child’s sleeping cycle is very important. Until 4 years old, the majority of children need a sleeping time after lunch: a nap of 1.5 to 2 hours matches their sleeping cycle and helps them to feel rested. Respecting these needs allows them to be prepared for learning. Children who are not potty trained are accepted.
Le mini-club organise les activités et sorties des mercredis et des vacances scolaires jusqu’à fin juin.
Activités proposées : atelier informatique, arts plastiques, jeux collectifs, stages et, suivant les âges, sorties, théâtre…
Différents thèmes sont proposés à chaque vacance scolaire à l’exception des vacances de Noël. Une option Baby-Club de proposée aussi du 1er au 13 Juillet (inscription en mai)
We provide a bus service to and from school for children who live in Cagnes, Villeneuve Loubet, St Laurent du Var, Promenade des Anglais and in the centre of Nice.
The school bus :
- D’organiser gratuitement les navettes pour se rendre au sport (piscine, tennis…), et de faire des sorties scolaires.
Enables the teachers to organise outings
Enables the Mini-club to take the children to their various activities for free and to organise field trips.
Security is a high priority at our school. All angles of the school are covered by video cameras.
No adult is allowed to enter the school without an appointment (or for a meeting or a celebration) and a badge. Every parent will be given a badge at the beginning of the school year.
Our Parent/School relationships are based on trust and mutual respect. We welcome parents for celebrations, class projects.
All our information can be found on our site or on our notice boards or by e-mail or instagram.
- Our internet site : will enable you to find useful information about the school life: menus, Baby-Club/Mini-Club activities, photos of special events, the Preschool newsletter…
- On the notice boards: you will find the weekly menus, general information of upcoming events, on Instagram : eibschools_
- Sur les panneaux d’affichage, vous y trouverez les menus.
In your child’s school book or “cahier the liaison”
Toddler and preschool children will each be given a school book, called “cahier de vie” which enables the school/teachers and the family to exchange/share information. The primary children will each be given a “cahier de liaison”. It contains a code of good behaviour, slips to fill out in case of absences and general information.
Classes primaires : chaque élève recevra un cahier de liaison. Il contiendra le code de bonne conduite, les billets d’absence et permettra une information régulière. -
Nous tenons à établir de bonnes relations famille / école et vous pouvez rencontrer la Directrice ou les enseignants (demander un rendez-vous au secrétariat).
Une réunion d’information a lieu à chaque rentrée scolaire afin de vous informer des méthodes, des projets et de l’organisation du travail de la classe.